I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Yesterday - Preparing On The Sunny Day
The scouts have a saying, “be prepared.” It’s one of the positive things I’ve taken with me through life from scouts. We must prepare for the worst when things are good. I’ve always been a bit of a saver in life. It’s recommended that you save six months of your pay for when the bad times hit. I was fortunate not to lose my job during the pandemic. I did take a small pay cut. It didn’t impact my family a whole lot because we’ve tried to be good stewards with our money and save for that rainy day. There’s a great podcast from manager tools that says race don’t chase. In the business world if you control budget now is the time to look for how you can become leaner, so when you’re asked to cut budget you’re already there.
Today - What Would Less Look Like?
The comments above could apply to this as well. When we moved from South Carolina to Tennessee we realized what had accumulated stuff. Stuff we didn’t need and stuff that was just one more thing to pack or get rid of. We cleaned out about half of our house. We were in a 2200 square foot home. When we bought a house in Tennessee we opted for a 1600 square foot. We still accumulate stuff we’re just more picky about it. The space we have will fill with stuff that’s both external and internal. Wanting more and more will create a black hole that we try to fill with an endless amount of stuff.