I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
It’s not enough to just not do evil. I think of the black lives matter movement and how it was said that if you’re not speaking up you’re part of the problem. Silence is not acceptable. A buddy of mine discussed this one night. I was being challenged to go do something. “Do what?” was my response. Do I need to go protest? Do I need to go to social media or write a post on this blog? I don’t really know what I need to be doing. I believe black people and other minorities deal with things I’ve never had to experience. I know this because we’ve had some discussion at work about a black man being afraid to wear a mask at work. He’s already been asked to remove it at a retail store during this time.
This is where I see contradiction in the stoics. There was just one about how someone is dying somewhere. How I can’t account for all the suffering and tragedies in the world. I can only control and account for what’s in my area of influence. I thanked the person I heard the story from about the mask. It was an enlightening moment for me. I hope that’s what it means to speak up and be hear. If I’m to do more, I’m falling short.