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The Daily Stoic(s)

Bibek Raj Shrestha

I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Tuesday - The Opulent Stoic

Humans can be very happy with little. This is something I am currently figuring out. I’ve tried minimalism and liked it. Keeping things simple is something I try to do. Moving to Nashville we picked a house 600 square feet smaller because we realized the house we left had way too much stuff. We ended getting rid of half our stuff when we moved. It wasn’t really needed and didn’t add a lot of value to our life style.

Yesterday - Want Nothing = Have Everything

I’m often asked what I want for Christmas or my birthday. There’s not really a lot. Usually I buy what I want or need and leave those holidays to more thoughtful gifts from people. Usually, with my wife, I’m buying stuff early on and telling her that this is my own gift for those events. To me this makes the holidays less stressful and makes the gifts I do get more meaningful because they’re thought out a little more.

Today - When You Feel Lazy

I’m supposed to ask myself if this really matters. The task I’ve started does it make me start to feel lazy. I’ve recently had this feeling where I worked on something. Put a lot of effort into it and eventually felt a sense of despair. “Oh, no. It’s this again.” I’ve stopped doing that and I’ve felt much more engaged at work. Trying to power through something only drains energy quicker. So I try to focus on things that I feel are valuable and give less attention to things that I feel like I “should” be doing.