I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
This stoic is a little nuanced. It’s about not having false friends. Friends who say one thing then do another or talk crap behind our back. It can be tricky to identify those friends. Eventually their true colors show through. On the other hand I need to look at myself. Do I do the same thing?
Do I make friends and then talk behind their back. Is that being a good person? I’ve started to curtail some of the talking behind people’s back because I know I don’t like it. It’s much more beneficial that way. In work politics it happens all the time. In those times I try to make sure my feelings are known to the people I’m complaining about. I feel like if I have an issue with how someone is acting I will express it to them no matter how uncomfortable they may feel. I’d rather do that than put on a smile and friendly face only to be stewing inside.