Exploring Information Security

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Daily Stoic(s)

Marcos Paulo Prado

I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Tuesday - You Were Born Good

Our true nature is to help each other. It’s good to hear because that’s a characteristic I try to show people. I can at times stray from that. Maybe that’s the meaning of life, is to always be moving towards the good instead of the bad.

Yesterday - Accepting What Is

Taking things in stride. Looking at unwanted outcomes is an opportunity. Working in security there could be a lot of energy spent of what happened. I can grip and complain about it or I can look ahead and use that energy to address or fix the issue. I learned this very early on when I had a manager tell me, "Nothing we can do about it now. Now is the time to fix it.”

I’ve used that in my professional career and it’s very good advice. Security is a never ending stream of things going or being done wrong. We must see these as learning and growing opportunities.

Today - Binding Our Wishes To What Will Be

Fate. God. Call it what you will. There are things out of our control. I can hope for an outcome, but I can be prepared for a less than ideal outcome. I was not particularly fond of Scouts. One of the positive things I did takeaway was the motto, “Always be prepared.”