Following The Doctor's Orders
Ian Stauffer
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Things happen for a reason. They may not always be what I want but they happen for a reason none the less. I’ve thought about this during key turning points in my life. I didn’t start going down the path of self-improvement until I had the worst six months of my life. It was hell to go through and ultimately made me a better person for it. Something similar happened for me career. I took a job that I knew would be hell. I figured I’d give it two years. Four months in I was looking for a way out. Luckily, an opportunity came and it’s the best career opportunity I’ve had.
Working in security I deal with a lot of nasty things. I often refer to the field as rock kicking. Underneath that rock we don’t know if it’s an ant hill or a zombie or a dragon. I’ve been apart of some nasty stuff. I’ve had long days and nights. Ultimately, it’s made me a better security person because of it. I came out of it battle tested and a much better security person.