Exploring Information Security

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The Cards We're Dealt

Julius Drost


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

This month seems to be a bit of a downer for the stoic book. Each passage is about death. How if we knew it was coming we’d change. I feel like I think about it a lot. For myself. For people around me. I wonder how I would react or how people would do without me. I’ve tried to live a life where my family can move on without me. They may even be in a better place from a financial standpoint.

Succession planning is another one of those things. Who takes over if this person leaves. Often people use, “getting hit by a bus.” That knowledge for the role and responsibilities is instantly gone. How do we account for that. The information security field also has the anticipation mindset of what happens if something goes horribly long. Maybe that’s why I’m comfortable with what happens and knowing that I or others will move on.