Spendthrifts of Time
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Time is our most valuable asset. Property, status, and money can all be lost and reattained. Time is not something I have a lot of. This is why I’ve stopped worrying about what’s on the news or social media. It started feeling like a waste of time. At points I would just mindlessly scroll. The stuff I did find didn’t provide me a lot of value. At one point it got so bad that I started getting headaches. As I begun cutting out social media and other forms of time wasters my headaches went away.
I still do video games and watch TV shows and pursue other things. Those all provide me some sort of value that social media never did. I have put more time into other pursuits that maximize value like spending time with the family and reading so that I can relax and improve.