Seeing Our Addictions
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Freedom is abstaining from our addictions. My question is to do what? What outside of my addiction should I do? I go to work. I workout. I read. I try to improve myself. Yes I play video games and enjoy the adult beverage. When It’s not appropriate I don’t do it. We had a bomb take out our ISP this past weekend. I took it as an opportunity to get some chores done around the house. Certain days I feel like just letting go and not worrying about it. Is that addiction or am I just trying to recharge.
I haven’t been sleeping well lately. One of the things I struggled with last year was going to bed at a reasonable hour. I’m doing a much better job of that. The side effect to that is that I am now waking up at 4 a.m. and it’s a little bit more of a struggle to go to sleep. I believe I need to strike a balance for myself. 9-10 hours in bed every night is not something I need. It’s progress. Addictions take time to overcome. I used to smoke and it took my several years to finally end up quitting. It’s a process and unfortunately for me it’s not just a light switch I can turn on and off.