The Truth About Money
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
The thing about celebrities is that you either here about them or you don’t. When you hear about them it’s usually because of some break down. If you don’t it’s because they try to keep things private. The same is true for the Florida man. You either hear about the outrageous things he’s done or you don’t hear about most of them. Money has little impact on how people handle life. I believe there’s a study that says once you get over $70,000 more money doesn’t bring happiness or satisfaction in life.
Like The Notorious B.I.G said, “Mo money, mo problems.” This is why I’ve never chased more money. I got my family to a more stable place financially. Everything after that is a bonus. I’m here to explore and enjoy the rest of life. Making millions doesn’t appeal to me. I want to improve and get better. I want to take a moment and enjoy the little things in life.