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Daily Stoic(s)

Dawid Zawiła


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Yesterday - A Morning Ritual

I have a morning ritual for work. On the weekends it’s a bit different. For the weekdays I get up and either run (if it’s above 40 degrees) or hop on the elliptical (below 40 degrees). On the weekends, Saturday I go to the farmers market and run around town for any other errands. When it’s warm on Sunday’s, I get up and golf at some point. The stoic today talks about reflection on philosophy. I don’t do that so much during those early morning rituals. I will when I’m showering after an exercise or golf. Through out the day I’m asking myself how I’m doing and how I can be better. Better even in stoicism and life in general. The past couple of weeks have been stressful and I’ve gotten out of my daily routines. It’s the ups and downs of life. I think regular rituals help.

Today - A Day In Review

This stoic talks about doing a journal at the end of the day. Reviewing the things that happen and can be improved upon. That some times falls into these stoics. Not regular enough. I do it for golf with a focus on what I learned from the golf round. I did have a period where I got out of the habit of doing that. I shot some of my worst rounds of golf. Since then I’ve picked the practice back up and I’m happy to report that my scores have continued to improve.

I like the idea of that for my life. Although it is another thing in my life that I have to do. Along with the morning rituals of the previous stoic. I work after that. Practice golf or workout. Some times both. Then I eat dinner and do what chores I can. Adding another thing makes my life even more cluttered. Still I might try it and give it a few moments out of the day of what I learned.