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Daily Stoic(s)

Marcos Paulo Prado


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Yesterday - You’re A Product Of Your Training

In this stoic it’s about training your mind to avoid bad choices. Like kids with no boundaries our decisions can run rampant and spoiled. This is something I’m working on as I make decisions. I’m trying to push the boundaries a lot like I would train. I’m trying to accept that I won’t reach my max on the first try. No one ever does. It takes time, effort, and practice to really start making good decisions. It’s hard to forget that’s how I got to my current state where I am making better choices.

Today - The Color Of Your Thoughts

How I shape things in in mind can influence how I react or behave. I’ve learned this the hard way and I’m trying to change that. Think more positively. One of my favorite phrases at work is, “assume positive intent.” It really helps try to put myself in other people’s shoes. It helps understand that the other person may be stressed and made a poor decision or is doing what they believe is right. I can beat myself up pretty bad with internal thoughts. That doesn’t help either. I’m learning to forgive and move on. Focus on doing things better the next time.