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The Banquet Of Life

Vinicius "amnx" Amano


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

The stoic talks about letting things come to me. Don’t reach out or jump the line for things desired. I feel like that’s something I’ve struggled with over the last few years. Try to find purpose and the next project. Instead I should look for opportunities when they present themselves. I’ve recently discovered this with a high-risk investment. It’s something I wanted to get into and was eventually presented to me by some close friends who I trust. We went in and we’re waiting to see that outcome.

It also talks about being a glutton and fattening on the things around me. I’ve done that with video games and alcohol. I’m starting to use those in more moderation. The pandemic for as much of it I hated and desired for the world whole again has given me opportunities to advance my stoicism and practice it.