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Meaningless...Like A Fine Wine

Julia Nastogadka


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

The stoic talks about wine. In the end whether it’s fine or wretched it passes through our system. The same could be applied for any sort of “expert” in a luxury arena. I like craft beer. I used to just drink whatever. That’s changed since I started hanging out with people who prefer a certain type of beer. I do rate the beer and often will give it higher ratings than others because I don’t want to be arrogant about my ratings. I think if I enjoyed it and would drink again then it should have a higher rating.

After having lots of good beer some of the stuff I used to drink isn’t the same. I won’t trash it because I recognize that it just isn’t for me anymore. I used to enjoy it. Not so much now. There’s other stuff that I still enjoy but the taste is much blander. I’m a bit off on a side path here. I’m in it for the experience good or bad. I’m not in it to be the expert. I still don’t understand what a piney beer should taste like.