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Daily Stoic(s)

Jeremy Bishop

I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Yesterday - The Buck Stops Here

Something I learned very early on studying stoicism and philosophy is that a lot of our troubles is on us. How I react to things is on me. If something goes wrong how could I have done better. Even if it was primarily someone else’s fault, how could I have facilitated the situation differently. This is very freeing and comforting. It puts more control of life into my hands and allows me to determine how things are going to go. Even when they don’t go my way it’s an opportunity to better myself for the next time.

Today - Only Fools Rush In

Reasonable choice is something that allows us to avoid failure. Accepting some insurmountable task leads us to failure. It’s a fine line to choose. Some times I feel we can miss out on those opportunities. And doesn’t it go against learning from failure? I think the stoic is trying to get at not doing or accepting something that is detrimental to us.