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Daily Stoic(s)

Petar Petkovski


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Tuesday - Washing Away The Dust Of Life

This stoic to me is taking in all that is around us. I’ve tried to do that more over the last year. Enjoying the beautiful sky at sunset and the sounds at night. I love rain and the sound it makes hitting the ground. I’ve also started take in more little moments with the family. I often feel that I don’t hold up to my standard as a husband and father. I try to take in the little moments with the family. The kisses and tickles and I love yous more. It helps me focus on the moments rather than on other things.

Wednesday - What Is In Keeping With Your Character

I must stick to what I believe are my ideals and character. That means cutting out toxic people or getting out of toxic jobs. I’ve had to do both in my life. It wasn’t what I wanted but for my own health and well being it needed to be done. This is why I evaluate people as if I’m interviewing them. Do our ideals and character match up. Those are the people I try to build relationships with and place I try to work at.

Yesterday - Make Character Your Loudest Statement

I’ve learned to let me actions speak for me. I try to hold and carry myself to a higher standard. I fail often but it’s a standard I am striving for. I think that’s what gives me purpose. I’ve seen a lot of progress over the last year towards the positive despite my remembering of only failures. I’m coming out of a period of failure currently and trying to get myself back on track.

Today - Be The Person You Want To Be

I want to be a good golfer and I’m putting in the work for that. I play at least once or twice a week because that’s what I need to do to get better. I also want to be a good husband and father. Those I feel like I’m a bit lacking on practicing. I am working on it though. One of the things I want to work on is taking a breath more often. I feel I get caught up in the things going on around me. I’m getting caught up on my wants and desires. I am going to try and take more moments to think about what I truly want and the person I want to be.