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Daily Stoic(s)

Sebastian Svenson


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Tuesday - Solve Problems Early

The older I get the harder it is to combat my bad habits. This is why it’s best to nip bad habits in the butt early. I feel I’m at a stage where I’m battling a lot of bad habits. It’s easy to forget that I also have a lot of good habits. This blog and daily stoic is one. I may go several days without post or doing them. Eventually I come back though and I’m trying to gain more consistency with them. That’s difficult when traveling or entertaining guests. It’s not easy to do it at the end of a long day on vacation. I’m trying to work on that.

Wednesday - You Can Do It

I try not to compare myself to others. Instead I look at their accomplishments and analyze the path to get there. Accomplishments usually are a long road. I do this a lot in golf where I’m playing with people who have played for decades at this point. I’m in year one of playing regularly. I’ve broken a 100 and I’m working towards 90 now. I’ve made the biggest gains I’m going to make and over the coming years will be much smaller gains. I have to remember that when I’m playing with others. It takes time and repetition. If I continue with my process though I will eventually get to their level and maybe at a much quicker rate.

Yesterday - Just Don’t Make Things Worse

This is one of the stoics that really spoke to me last year. I’ve made things worse by getting angry and letting out rage. It’s made situations worse. Often it was when I broke something or banged my head. I’ve put holes in walls that now need to be repaired and will cost time and effort. I’ve done a much better job of not reacting and taking in a few breaths to try and calm my initial reaction.

Today - A Trained Mind Is Better Than Any Script

Prior to stoicism I worried a lot. I worried about a lot of things that were out of my control. I had to work at not letting those things bother me. Often I’ll say that things happen for a reason and that I need to be prepared for situations that I’ll need to adjust. I have to trust in my own ability that things will work out and I’ve often find for the better. What I thought might be the best route ends up not being the best route.