The Definition Of Insanity
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Trying to change and do the same thing over and over is the insanity the stoic is referencing. I’ve felt this insanity. I’ve also noticed that the insanity becomes weaker over time. It becomes easier to fight urges and impulses and to change one small thing. That’s what I try to learn from. It’s said that if you want to change a habit start small. For me this often means screwing up multiple times before change occurs.
This could be similar to practice where we continue to do the same thing bad over and over again until we finally figure it out. I’ve done this with golf. My bad days used to be scores in the 120+ range. I’ve since come down to my bad days being in the high 100s. My good days are scores of mid-90s. I count to 10 on each hole too by the way (I’ve noticed some players choose to stop at eight).
Same thing with behaviors. I’ve worked a lot to change my bad ones and that’s sometimes hard to see. Unless I look back a year and realize that I have changed a lot. I’m doing things very differently and I’m a bit happier. Things feel clearer. There’s still work to be done. That’s the journey of life.