Daily Stoic(s)
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Yesterday - Each The Master Of Their Own Domain
Live my life so as not to impose upon others and be open-minded enough and accepting to let others do the same. That seems to be a difficult thing in life because there’s unintentional harm that can be done. I’ve had good intentions before that end up backfiring. It’s still something to strive for and ultimately has led me to a better place. Be a good person and that should help.
Today - Forgive Them Because They Don’t Know
Everyone has their own experiences and biases in life. Remember that has helped me not get so frustrated at others. I probably need a little of that now because I am frustrated at work about things going on. I’ve vented and ranted. Really, a better approach may be to recognize that they have other priorities and knowledge that I don’t have. Or they just don’t know. I believe that will help keep me more calm and less frustrated at work.
Another example is from the golf course. If I hit a poor shot I try to remember to forgive myself because it’s a new shot for me. I didn’t know that would be the outcome or there are other things I don’t know that would have made the shot more successful.