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Daily Stoic(s)

Victoria Rokita


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Sep 2 - Preparing On The Sunny Day

Disaster can hit at any time. I can prepare by practicing disaster recovery. It’s a term used in the IT world to account for an awful event that could impact the company. I should maybe do it in my personal life. It’s tough. My reasoning for not is because I am often thinking into the future. Two steps ahead and I do things to account for those potential outcomes. Both good and bad. Often bad. I feel I can take on there events with the right mindset.

Sep 3 - What Would Less Look Like

Living within my means is something I try to do. There’s not many expensive things I want. What I do want is for golfing even then I try to get by with what I can. It’d be nice to have. Usually I’m looking for the purpose.

Saturday - Be Down To Earth, Or Be Brought Down

At one point I thought I had it all figured out in golf. At that point I had golf knock me down a peg. I shot some of my worst golf. This happened twice once when I stopped writing in my learn journal for golf. Then this past summer when I was counting shots during the hole. I realized I was overconfidence and I needed to take a more humble approach. It’s a good lesson for the game and life.

Sunday - Protecting Our Inner Fortress From Fear

This is a stoic about control over my thoughts and choices and fears. I choose to let it in. The most impactful book in my life is Feel the Fear and do it Anyway by Dr. Susan D. Jeffers. It is a book that significantly changed my view on life. Fear is there for all of us. Less for others and more for others what the book helped me do is recognize the fear, accept it, and then move one. Use the energy to move forward. After a while there is less fear.

Monday - A Different Way To Pray

Divine intervention is not something I ask for. Life is something I accept as is. I used to want to hit reset and do it all over again. Like I could do in video games. I’ve learned there are opportunities for growth. I can’t change the past. I have limited control over the future. I can control my thoughts and choices and live in the present.

Tuesday - A Garden Is Not For Show

Stoicism is a life long pursuit. I’ve recognized that from the progress I’ve made and the faults and failures I still have despite continuing to study and practice stoicism.

Wednesday - Anyone Can Get Lucky, Not Everyone Can Persevere

This stoic focuses on resilience and accepting that there are lucky people and there are people who don’t have as much luck. They have to work harder to survive and even succeed. There’s value in the struggle it teaches me a lot.

Yesterday - Dealing With Haters

Or ignore the haters. This is a lesson I’ve learned blogging and playing video games on the internet. Even social media can be vile. It’s tough. I still slip on the haters but in general I feel I understand it and often feel sorry for the other person because I know they are probably dealing with something internally.

Today - Dealing With Pain

Be strong and gracious to get through life is a valuable thing to remember. I’ve often thought if some tragedy struck me at the hand of another person I could handle it with grace. I feel like that would be tough to handle. One of the people who worked for me passed away in April. I had my moment of mourning and then moved on. Some might see it as inconsiderate or non-empathetic. I accepted the tragedy. The person was in car and he was known for driving fast. He hit a tree and the car rolled three times as a result. It’s how he live and how he passed. He made that choice and there’s nothing I can do about it now. It’s sad and we are doing things to honor him. That’s about as much as we can do.