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All For One, One For All

Clay Banks


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

What’s good for the whole is not always good for the individual. You can flip that around. I find this interesting because some would argue the pandemic is not good for the whole. While others would. In my view the numbers don’t justify the extremes we went to for the pandemic. Instead we were focused on individuals and individual stories. Some of my friends lost family members and friends to the pandemic and that’s awful. That’s an individual story though.

What also suffered from the pandemic response was education and businesses. Across the board children during this time suffered from doing education virtually. Some businesses are no longer around while other’s had to adjust to a lack of business. Government bail out kept them afloat which will also have an impact down the road. Now we’re dealing with supply chain issues. The author of The Daily Stoic was a proponent of a lot of the se measures. Which to me is a bit interesting because I’m finding that stoicism can be used for multiple view points of an argument or topic. It’s how each INDIVIDUAL wants to view it.