I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Choices and judgement determine my tranquility not the environment. This means not avoiding things that potentially disrupt my steadiness. To me this means not being docile in my judgement and choices. To instead embrace differences and make a judgement based on them. Stoicism is often seen as being passive. This seems to indicate that stoicism is our control and what we do with that control.
That’s comforting because I’ve come to a point in my career where I’m going to embrace my ability to push the status quo. It’s something I’ve always done but at some point I hit a wall. Once I hit that wall I’m told to be quiet and let things happen. I think there’s opportunity there and it only comes when I have conviction that my reasoned choices and judgements are the right path. It may end in failure but again my choices and judgements about that failure determine my tranquility.