Stop Caring What People Think
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
I don’t have it as bad as others when it comes to caring about what people think of me. I still want to be liked and people to have good impressions. Worrying about what they think though doesn’t help that. What helps with that is doing things that leave a good impression with people. Instead I focus on what I can do. The decisions and choices I make when I interact with others.
That’s not as easy when i first meet people. I tend to get real nervous. A lot of that has to deal with my schooling years. I was picked on quite a bit and I have some scares from that. I am trying to overcome that and act more myself initially. Instead of being outspoken I’ll remain quiet. I often find that people are shocked when I feel comfortable out of my shell because I do things that I won’t do in a new setting.