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Daily Stoic(s)

Tanya Grypachevskaya


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Thursday - Good And Evil? Look At Your Choices

Focus only on my choice. The right thing always comes from my choice. This stoic is not really clicking for me. I guess it means to focus on the choice. Evaluate it and make a determination if it was a good or evil choice. And what defines that criteria?

Yesterday - Carpe Diem

I had a pretty good day on Friday. It slipped away into Saturday where I set myself behind the next day after playing games late and watching a movie. These are happening less and less. I don’t tend to sleep in anymore and I’m usually up by 8 a.m. regardless of when I went to bed. I am learning to take advantage of each day. There are periods where I set myself behind. Progress is happening and I’m taking that in.

Today - Don’t Be Inspired, Be Inspirational

Some of the key moments of inspiration often come from the things I’m doing. I try to show people that there are better ways of doing things. This doesn’t come from watching or being inspired by something. It’s from doing and experience. At work I’m trying to be a good manager. I don’t preach about it. I instead do what I can to be good and hopefully those acts will produce good people who report to me. I am starting to see people come to me more and more for managerial guidance and advice. I’ve been talking about these concepts before. It’s only through practice and results that the words start getting some inspirational weight.