Daily Stoic(s)
Milad B. Fakurian
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Wednesday - Observe Cause And Effect
I feel like I spent a lot of time last year reframing thoughts. Trying to discovery where those thoughts were coming from. I’ve made progress and yet there’s still a lot more to go. Right now work is particularly stressful and requires a lot of thought and patience.
Thursday - No Harm, No Foul
On the ride home I was listening to a podcast and they were talking about parenting. Their perspective was quite different from my spouses and I. It’s all about interpretation of what the kids are trying to say. Unfortunately, we’re also conditioned by how we were brought up and that has led to both good and bad habits. I’m working to rewire some of those bad habits.
Friday - Opinions Are Like…
I’m the hardest critic of myself. I often feel I am not doing enough at home and at work. I feel like I could be doing things better. I actually just got out of the shower after meditating and came to that realization. One of my things was to try and not be so hard on myself. Things just are sometimes. I need to forgive myself more and do better next time.
Yesterday - Our Sphere Of Impulses
I must be willing to learn from everyone and anyone in life. This is something I’ve had to get over my life. Often I felt like I knew what I was about to be taught, only to discover I learned something new. SANS 401 is a good example of that. It’s basic security practices. Three years into my security career I was being told to go take the course. I thought I wouldn’t learn much. Instead I learned quite a bit. It filled in a lot of gaps in my knowledge. Since then I’ve tried to take away something from even the worst trainings or interactions.
Today - Real Good Is Simple
Wisdom, self-control, justice, and courage are what we should strive for. With those we won’t have any remorse for pursuing. Self-control is something I’m currently spending a lot of time on. I’ve gotten a lot of bad habits and I feel like sometimes I have too much self-control and at some point it boils over into an extreme lack of self-control. It goes back to me holding myself to a higher standard and trying to find that balance.