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Daily Stoic(s)

Nick Martin


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Friday - Protect The Flame

I think this is talking about taking care of ones self and mindset. Studying stoicism. Learning and growing. Progressing towards being a better person. It’s hard work and requires lots and lots of patience. Also forgiveness. That’s something I have to remember or otherwise I’ll snuff my flame out with negativity.

Yesterday - No One Said It’s Easy

I’m realizing this at work. I need to keep doing what I’m doing and how I’ve gone about doing it because I’ve had a lot of success. It’s when I bring in negativity or complaining when I don’t get the things I want that it hurts myself and the people around me. Instead I have to keep a positive attitude, especially in the tough times and realize that things will work itself out.

Today - Rise and Shine

This is something I’ve worked on. Getting up early verse sleeping in. Kids help with this as I no longer can sleep past 8 am. Regardless of when I went to bed. That means going to bed at 2 a.m. means I’m getting only six hours of sleep (if I’m lucky). It’s hard work to shift from being a self-professed night owl to an early riser but something I enjoy more.