Exploring Information Security

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The Daily Drucker

Austin Distel


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Drucker: 366 Days of Insight and Motivation for Getting the Right Things Done.

Yesterday - Role of the Bystander

The action point is be a bystander and look at what needs to be done in an organization from a different angle. Then I act and that may shock people. I’ve never been opposed to bring forth or try an idea. I don’t know if I shock people. I will do things in ways outside the norm, either as an experiment or as something that I know needs to be done. I often find people unwilling to listen. That’s okay because as long as I get results I’ll start to get more people listening.

Today - The Nature of Freedom

The action point is to list specific goals for my work. What goals will meet my personal fulfillment. Within security our goals are usually identifying risk and securing our environment. We made some acquisitions recently and those are taking up a lot of our effort and time. For me I like some of the chaos. My goals are to make my team better and get more out of them. As they grow as professionals they should learn to do thinks more efficiently and effectively.

My personal goals largely revolve around security awareness. We run the phishing program and I give regular lunch and learns to the company for improving security mindsets. My leadership has always supported me in this. Prior to the pandemic I was provided a budget for supplying food at these lunch and learns. The presentations provide people a view and some insight into the security world. This helps them be more security minded in their day-to-day jobs.