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A Functioning Society

Max Bender


I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Drucker: 366 Days of Insight and Motivation for Getting the Right Things Done.

The action point asks what the emerging government in Iraq has to do to become legitimate and what must the government do to create status and function for Iraqis. The book was written in 2004, so we can probably go look now to see what happened.

In 2005 the Federal Government of Iraq was formed. The executive branch includes a President and a Council of Ministers. The legislative branch has Council of Representatives and a Federation Council. The judicial branch contains a Higher Judicial Council, Supreme Court, and Central Criminal Court. It seems Iraq has taken on a similar government to the United States and other democratic countries.

The government being formed is one thing. A functional society is another. After the overthrow of the government there were a lot of people with agendas who entered the country and began a guerilla war. Two books I’ve recently read are Black Hearts by Jim Frederick and Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal. Black Hearts documents some of the problems and issues starting in 2005. Team of Teams on the other hand highlights the adjustments the fighting forces had to make to deal with the guerilla fighting.