Circle Of Control
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
There is a running theme at this point. Control.
We control only one thing, our mind. Our thoughts, our choices, and our will. I think this concept is a very important one for me in reducing stress and anxiety. I’ve told myself these things before and this time it seems to resonate more because it’s coming from a place of wisdom.
I’ve been on this path already. A week or so ago I broke two of my favorite whiskey glasses. Instead of getting upset I realized there was nothing I could do. I can’t change the past, because I have no control over it. All I can do is go buy another whiskey glass when I break my last one.
I was able to execute on this last night when I was watching some TV late. I was hungry. I decided that it was too late though and didn’t allow what was outside of my control, my body, to control how I approached the hunger. This is something I’m working on throughout the day. Eating when I need to and when I don’t need to. My body can try to influence that. Ultimately, it’s my choice.