The Source of Your Anxiety
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
The source of anxiety is worrying about things outside of our control. I’ve worked a lot on this the past couple of months. I tend to worry about a lot of different things. Work related and non-work related. Am I being a good worker? How do I handle this person? How do I handle this process?
Right now I’m worried about my weight. It’s been the highest it’s ever been in the last two years. I’ve cut back on beer. I’m eating better than ever before by eating things like cauliflower, kale, broccoli, fresh fruit, and on and on. I’ve got out a lot of red meat. I still have the occasional burger and steak. I prefer to go the chicken, fish, or pork route. I work out regularly. I’m still up in the weight. I have to remind myself that it’s okay and not to beat myself up to much about it.