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Daily Stoic(s)

Giorgio Trovato

I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Wednesday - Ready and at Home

Reading this on Wednesday may have calmed me down more than the whiskey did. We’ve had to adjust plans due to the coronavirus concerns. It started Wednesday I had some arrangements fall through and got some grief from the backup plan. The stoic today talks about realizing that hardship and difficulty will come and that when it comes we need to be in the right frame of mind. The next morning plans changed again. The group as a whole adjusted in a logical manner and it was quite impressive.

Yesterday - The Best Retreat is in Here, Not Out There

We can us our own mind and body to get a retreat. We don’t need to wait for the weekend or the next vacation. It’s something I need to start practicing more. I can let things bother me and react on those emotions. Taking a step back is going to take practice.

Today - The Sign of True Education

We can only control our choices and our thoughts. This is a key concept I’m learning as I do these daily stoics and other Buddhist readings. I’ve thought about this in terms of the coronavirus. We can’t control it and yet people are out there trying very hard to control it. We get to choose how we respond to it. Some people are taking some very extreme measures. I have adjusted by upping the hygiene game. I wash my hands a little bit more. I’ve become aware how often I’m touching my face and avoid doing it when I’ve been out.

I can’t control getting infected. Someone with it could sneeze on me or leave a trace of the virus on a surface I then touch. If I were to get it then I take the precautions I need to try and not get the rest of the family infected and get myself better.