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Don't Let This Go To Your Head

Chris Curry

I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

We should not let success change us. I feel like success has change me, only for the good. I’m not a dick to people, I’ve tried to stay the same person and recognize that I have to change for my own sanity. That’s why I’ve started down this path of stoicism. Self-improvement. Learning not to let things bother me or overwhelm me. I feel like I’m doing a good job of it. I’m sleeping better. Yet, I still have moments were I struggle. A lot of those instances are self induced. I am making progress, it’s just that I am essentially rewriting the coding in my brain.

I think the general idea is that I don’t devolve into a lesser self. Success often requires change though. Being an successful analyst and moving into management is a big change in mindset and approach. Moving up from there also requires a different way of thinking. So, success does change people. It has to or we die early from heart attacks, drugs, alcohol, or any number of things. And maybe I’m not changing, maybe I’m doing what I’ve always done. Work on myself and try to be the best person I can be. Work on my shortcomings and improve. I think there’s some ego involve and I’m chipping away at it piece by piece.