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Daily Stoic(s)

Ronni Kurtz

I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Yesterday - Somewhere Someone’s Dying

This is something that I feel puts me at odds with other people. I can influence and help those who are within my circle. I can not help those across the country or world. This is why I tend to ignore the news of this or that tragedy. If there is a tragedy in my town or even state and I have the means to help I will. The pandemic is a good example of this. I can’t get people their jobs back. When their job is back though I can leave a bigger tip than I normally would. I’ve pointed to the data for the pandemic as a reason for why I don’t see it as big of a deal as it’s made out to be. The response I often get during these discussions is that people are dying. There’s always people dying from this and other things. That usually doesn’t go over well.

Today - What’s On Your Tombstone

I think of does the end justify the means for today’s stoic. Does sacrificing family time for a career make sense. Are there things I’m missing out on by pursuing something that I want. I like to achieve and learn new things. That’s helped me advance my career. I’m at a point now though that going upward isn’t something I desire. I want to do other things and enjoy life. To me that’s okay and today’s stoic encourages that.