Daily Stoic(s)
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Yesterday - Each The Master Of Their Own Domain
I should live as such that my will does not impose negatively on others. I should also have an open-mind accepting others to do the same. Politics and the pandemic become an easy example here. I can’t control if someone wears a mask. I can control if I wear a mask or not. I’m not inclined to wear one all the time. I am willing to wear one when someone has asked me to. Some people might call my inconsiderate and feel I should always wear a mask. I can’t control that opinion or that thought. They have their beliefs and I have mine.
Today - Forgive Them Because They Don’t Know
The stoic talks about Jesus’ death on the cross. How even after suffering the worst kind of cruelty, he still looked to forgive the people for they knew not what they do. Following along the same lines of the previous stoic, the pandemic is rife with opportunity to forgive people. This goes both ways. For people who feel we have an obligation to the health of people, forgiveness should be for those who have prioritized their own personal freedom and financial well being. On the other side people who feel there is an obligation to their freedom and financial well being, forgive those who have made health a priority. We all have our own experiences and view points on the topic. Giving forgiveness can help with the discourse.