Protect The Flame
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Everyone has their own flame. It’s a vague stoic today. We must take care of our flame and let it flourish. If we abuse it, it goes out. What does that mean? To me it means living a straight path. Always doing the things you don’t want to. That may be the case and often hard to follow. I’d love to live as straight path. Without missteps or faults. That’s not possible for us. Maybe today’s stoic is about doing our best to protect the flame of our true inner self from the influences of the outside world. We should set our heart and mind on something and go for it. It’s not always easy. To me that’s okay. We let our flame go out from time to time and reignite it. We start again. Isn’t that what the stoics say? forgive ourselves and get back on the path.