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If You Want to Learn, Be Humble

Kyle Johnson

I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

I recently read a really good book by the same author for these daily stoics.

Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday.

It’s been a game changer for me. It highlighted that over the past year plus I had an ego. I’ve stalled in my career. A large part of that is that I’ve reached my career goal of being a manager. I’m happy with where I’m at and willing to stay in a management position until I’m forced into retirement. The problem with that is because I’ve accomplished my goal, it made me feel like I had all the answers. That what I was doing was the best way and only way to handle things. I got frustrated by all my perceived poor decisions around me by others. I’d get frustrated by that.

Reading the book helped me realize that it wasn’t the people around me. It was me. It was my ego that was at fault and I needed to work on that. I have for the last few months and I’ve seen a decrease in my anxiety and my frustrations at work. I’m starting to pull it together and get back to a place prior to my promotion. I realized that I still have much to learn and that’s a wonderful feeling, because knowing it all is a really shitty place to be.