Becoming an Expert in What Matters
I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Today’s stoic is essentially mastering our own inner life. We can become masters of what we do (for me security) and what we enjoy (video games and board games). We should also focus on mastering our inner self. How we approach things and the way to those things. I’ve lacked a purposes since getting into a really good job and being well compensated for it. I didn’t know what I should do. I’m not as passionate about my field as some others. Which tends to surprise people because I am successful in the field and done some extracurricular stuff. It was always a challenge to me.
Figuring out how to do a podcast, then wondering if I could switch fields with success. Then it was presenting at a conference, which I’ve done multiple times. I plan to continue that because I feel I still have much to learn about presenting. Podcast, I think, has run it’s course. I’m not looking to get rich or famous from it. Instead the last few years I’ve really focused on myself and up until now I didn’t realize that’s okay. I thought that I needed to find some purpose and have a project to go with that. It turns out I am the project. I’m looking to live life to fullest and I have and still have some pretty bad habits. I’m learning something new about myself almost every day and it’s exciting.