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Awareness is Freedom

Mohamed Nohassi

I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.

Obligations. What are they? We often do things because we feel obligated to do them. We need to be aware of what our obligations are and what we think are obligations. Paying bills and taking care of a family is one such obligation. I’ve been trying to decide if I’ll hop on WoW tonight and do my daily quests. This is not an obligation, though it may feel like it because I want to unlock the new allied race. Is it an obligation to relax though?

If we get sucked into these non-obligations we become slaves and thus not free. I had a good weekend. I took Friday off to hang out with the wife. Saturday and Sunday were slow non-committal days. I spent most of the time with video games, which was enjoyable. I don’t have many of those days anymore and it was a nice break from adulting. I felt more refreshed. The downside is that I indulged a little too much Sunday evening and skipped doing some chores and preparing for Monday. I’ve learned to forgive myself for those because it’s all part of the process and it take time to work through some of that stuff.